Hi !

I have a global buffer that I use in all querys and to retriev data
in my callback funcs. Example :

char    my_buffer [20000];

int    my_callback (....)
    strcpy (my_buffer, row [0]);

void    my_sql (void)
   strcpy (my_buffer, "SELECT .... FROM ... WHERE ....");
   retcode = sqlite_exec (db, my_buffer, my_callback, NULL, & p_err);
  if (retcode != SQLITE_OK)
    showerror (p_err);

This have worked with version 2.8.12, but when I upgrade to 2.8.13
my application sometimes show stranges errors like
'near "xxxxx" : syntax error'
where xxxxx is some of my database data !!

But, if I use _different_ buffers to SQL command and to retriev data
this erros do not appear !!
It seems that in version 2.8.13 SQLITE use the buffer from the SQL command
to do something else !!
Is this true ?
Is it not possible to use same buffer in sqlite_exec and the callback
function ?

If so I have to rewrite / review all of my application :(
Someone had notice that ?
Some workaround (and still use 2.8.13) ?


Rubens Jr.

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