On Thu, 6 May 2004, Thomas, Basil wrote:

>I have already implemented a solution using the application using MS SQL
>Server/Sybase and
>SQLite is at least a hundred times faster. The problem is when implementing
>"long" transactions.

Can you not implement batching of writes into single small transactions?
Why do you need "long" transactions?

>When there is only a maximum of one user/thread, there are no long
>transactions as a transaction can take as long as it likes. Transaction
>length is only a problem as more users concurrently use the database.
>I am not looking for a perfect solution as SQLite is great already, just
>higher concurrency.
>I am no technical expert but...could not page locking at least be
>implemented by the pager module to increase concurrency(very naive...but
>better than file locking).

There has been discussion of essentially using snapshots to support
concurrent readers/writer (readers take a snapshot from before the writer
started.) That way, a writer will not affect the operation of readers, but
this is will be a 3.0 at the very earliest, if at all. Not sure how DRH is
getting on with that.

A suggested solution is documented here:


>-----Original Message-----
>From: Christian Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Thursday, May 06, 2004 9:38 AM
>To: Thomas, Basil
>Subject: Re: [sqlite] vers 3.0 concurrency issues
>On Thu, 6 May 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>I would like to use SQLite on a web server or .net remoting and
>>multi-user/threads may become an issue
>>as locking is based at the finest granularity of file locking instead of
>>table/page/row locking. Will this issue be resolved from 3.x onwards so
>>concurrency can be increased when multiple users
>>are connecting to the db?
>>SQLite is extremely fast in single process/thread mode and because of this
>>success, more users would like to access the application. File locking is
>>too similar to MS Access and we have had all kinds of problems
>>supporting multiple users on a network drive. Ideally I would first like to
>>implement SQLite as part of an ISAPI dll so it could be accessed using http
>>to an IIS web server.
>>Any suggestions or solutions to running SQLite in multi-threaded
>>with potentially high concurrency???
>SQLite already supports concurrent readers. If most access is read only,
>and writes are short and/or infrequent, then SQLite might continue to fit
>the bill.
>But, use the right tool for the job. If you require concurrent
>readers/writer(s), then you may be better off using a full blown
>client/server database, especially in a distributed environment. SQLite is
>designed to be embedded, don't just use it because you can.
>I believe there may be some work in 3.0 to allow concurrent readers with
>single writer, but that is likely to be within a single address space
>only, if at all.
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: D. Richard Hipp [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2004 1:56 PM
>>Subject: Re: [sqlite] release 14
>>aducom wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Is it possible to do a release 14 of the sqlite.dll with the support of
>>> real blobs? (It's available in cvs?) Or will I have to wait for the
>>> full new version?
>>I don't know what you mean by "support for real blobs".  You'll need
>>to be much more specific.
>>Generally speaking, no new features will be added to SQLite 2.8.13.
>>What you see is what you get.  New features go into SQLite 3.0.0.

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