The main reason for file locking is to support win95/98/ME???...

I do have a server process running and have embedded sqlite to be used by
individual threads
that may be started. All writes currently go to one writer thread and this
seems to work fine.
The application we have developed basically creates a virtual xml storage
using SQLite as the backing store.
When documents are small, transactions do not slow concurrency that much but
once in a while we
may import a large document or update many small documents at once, we have
noticed a large
decrease in concurrency as all reader threads are blocked until the write
thread that is in a transaction completes. One way we have gotten around
this is to implement multiple collections of documents with each collection
stored in one database. Implementing each virtual document as a single
file/db is out of the question as we have thousands of documents stored
already in each collection.
All the other features in SQLite are too good for me to abandon just for
lack of higher concurrency.
Since I have read a lot of suggestions to improve concurrency for ver 3.0,
can you tell me what will be
changed if anything in version 3.0 as regards increased concurrency???

-----Original Message-----
From: D. Richard Hipp [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, May 06, 2004 12:23 PM
Subject: Re: [sqlite] vers 3.0 concurrency issues

Thomas, Basil wrote:
 > I am no technical expert but...could not page locking at least be
 > by the pager module to increase concurrency(very naive...but better than
 > locking).

Page-level locking will not help.  For one thing, we cannot do both
locking and reader/writer locks on win95/98/ME.  Presumably, reader/writer
locks are more desirable than page locks and we are not yet ready to
abandon win95/98/ME.  (You can do both on unix and winNT/2K/XP.)

But more importantly, locking is less than half the problem.  The hard
part is not locking but recovering from a program crash or OS crash or
power failure.  If we didn't have to deal with crashes and power failures,
doing page-level or row-level locking would be (relatively) easy.

In version 3.0, you will be able to ATTACH multiple databases and update
them all at once (and atomicially).  Then if you put each of your tables
in a separate database file and ATTACH them as needed, the end result
will be something very like table-level locking.  Without a central
server process to coordinate things, getting any more concurrency
than that is not a viable option, as far as I can determine.

D. Richard Hipp -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- 704.948.4565

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