place?  What doe a descending index give you that you
don't have with an ascending index?

Nothing for my objectives. I've just missed that point. Sorry.

I've done a 141 pages /407 Kb PDF file from the SQLite web site, in order to merge the most important informations from it. I wonder if this PDF could be of some interests for others SQLite new users...


I've also found the mailing list archives url in order to investigate about cursors (I'm a SQL newbie too).

- I've seen forward cursors can be emulated by existing SQLite commands, so that a very good point.

- But what about backward cursors ? (I can't use huge buffers because of tables sizes). Reading the sqlite odbc driver sources, it appears (to my weak knowledge) that this driver has a "SQL_CURSOR_FORWARD_ONLY" capability. (There is some cases backward cursors are useful for end-user needs).

Do you have any idea/trick/workaround to solve this ?

Thanks for your help.

Anyway, SQLite appears to be a very fine piece of software. The design is original and the code is really clear and heavily commented. I'm definitly not a C expert but I feel I may learn a lot reading the SQLite sources.


Stephane Riviere
Oleron Island - France

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