You do realize that you do not need BDE anymore to just use the TDataSet,
right?  Borland got rid of that requirement about 2 years ago (Around Delphi
6), if memory serves :)

Other than that, I agree, the free edition is a totally acceptable choice.


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, June 04, 2004 1:59 PM
Subject: RE: [sqlite] re: academic software licensing (delphi)

"you get to use all of the great database functionality that Borland's VCL

unless of course you think borland's data-aware components aren't so great..
imho, they are just unnecessary overhead, making things more complex than
they should and limit you in usage of features that makes particulair sql
databases so great.
i agree that for vcl apps they may be ok, but as soon as 95% of your apps
database interventions has nothing to do with user interaction, it is just a
waist of resources and lines of code.

there are several wrappers for sqlite available for delphi, which indeed may
take some initial learning time instead of dropping some components on a
form, but the results are there. i use sqlite in some dll's for example, i
must not even think about having clients to install the BDE. in one app i
need every bit of speed sqlite can offer, and even that is hardly enough
(did some caching where possible, but even then sqlite is very rapidly a lot
faster than your own non-indexed lookup table)..

it entirely depends on the type of app you build, but even where i have
user-forms filling some database content, i prefer to do it manually because
you are far more flexible, and most of the time there are special conditions
or checks that would be impossible (or very tough) to implement if all
controls were data-aware.

but, even if you favour data-aware, there is no need at all to use delphi or
kylix professional editions. ZEOS components let you have data-aware (and
borland-compatible) components that will work in the personal editions. I
did not verify if they implement sqlite yet, but i bet they did and else
they probably will do so soon.

just my 2 cents..


Op vrijdag, juni 4. 2004 17:50:01 schreef "Shawn Anderson"
> Yes, but it you right the component around TdataSet you get to use all 
> of the great database functionality that Borland's VCL offers, as well 
> as tons of 3rd party components.
> Shawn
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jay Macaulay [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, June 04, 2004 11:34 AM
> Subject: Re: [sqlite] re: academic software licensing (delphi)
> > hi-
> >
> > i dont think delphi 7 personal edition will work with sqlite (not 
> > 100% sure though).
> > i believe i need more than a tdataset that works with sqlite to get 
> > it to work with delphi 7 personal edition.
> > there is an alternative however. seems to be 
> > very generous with licensing of the products for a hobbyist as long 
> > as you abide by NOT writing commercial software.
> > It looks like exactly what i was
> > searching for.  I will write the company and see if i can get the 
> > special license.  Only thing is i will be using firebird if i go 
> > this route instead. They have a nice brand new manual at amazon (800 
> > pages) on firebird databases.
> >  ....
> Just a quick note, you don't need a TDataSet to use sqlite.  In fact I 
> avoid TDataSet because I have no need for everything it offers.  I 
> just wrote my own code around the sqlite.dll and then wrote a 
> component around that to make it a bit more robust.  Basically the 
> same way you'd do it in C.  Delphi is a great language to learn if you 
> want to write up some quick apps in windows/linux.  If you're looking 
> to distribute source code, then the most universally known language would
be C obviously.
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