Another performance issue to consider are the queries you are submitting.  I
saw one person mention using a LIKE or GLOB.  Use of these operators
(without another criteria first that will utilize an index) will ALWAYS
result in a table scan.  Actually, anytime a function is used in the WHERE
clause, you run a strong risk of doing a table scan.

The best way to optimize sqlite queries (IMHO) is to run the queries using
sqlite.exe or other with the EXPLAIN directive.  You will get output showing
the exact query plan, which clearly indicates whether an index is being used
and which index.  Any other troubleshooting is just trial and error.

If you have a large record size, then it also helps tremendously to put the
indexed columns first in the row (I had a table with large blob data that
was terribly slow to query until I moved the small, non-blob columns first).
[That was found out by trial and error]

As others have stated, your best bet to get to the bottom of your
performance issues is to provide a reproduceable sample (a subset of your
schema, some test data, and the poorly performing query).  This list is very
helpful when the amount of information provided is adequate.

Just my $0.02.  Hope that helps.


Kevin Alons

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