The regular sqlite.dll should be the 2.X release, not the 3 release, and therefore won't export sqlite3_exec, but will export sqlite_exec.

As for the other, I haven't played around with sqlite3 much as I'm in the middle of a project, but I intend to in a couple of days.

Thank you.

Richard Boehme

Chris Ulliott wrote:
Hi All,

I have downloaded from the downloads page the DLL (Sqlite.dll) for
Windows. I have written some code using the API and everything was going
great until I needed to do an execute and it came to my attention that
the DLL does not export sqlite3_exec!!!!

Does anybody have a Win32 DLL of SQLite 3 that exports all the
documented functions? Am I missing something else?

I also tried using the SQLite3.dll instead but I soon found that there
are NO EXPORTED FUNCTIONS from there whatsoever.

Any help appreciated,



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