Yes, using Cygwin has slipped my mind :-) I will try that.



-----Original Message-----
From: andy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, 5 August 2004 11:11 AM
Subject: Re: [sqlite] Building for Windows

Dennis Volodomanov wrote:
> Hello all,
> Is there any way to rebuild the SQLite v3 for Windows? It seems that
> makefiles that come with it are for *nix-based machines only :-(
> For example, I just got the latest code from CVS, but it doesn't
> files such as opcodes.* and others and now I cannot build the library
> successfully, because it reports (for example), that it can't find
> OP_ParseSchema (along with some others).
> But, opcodes.* files are automatically generated and I cannot do that,
> so could you please tell me how to make them or where to get them
>    Dennis
What compiler are you using?

There are pre-generated source files you can compile from.  Or, if you 
wanna do the entire thing yourself, you can use cygwin.

Personally, I use the Makefile.linux-gcc file, modify it a little to 
remove the tcl stuff, tack on "-mno-cygwin" and run make...


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