Dennis Volodomanov wrote:
> Is there any way to rebuild the SQLite v3 for Windows? It seems that
> the makefiles that come with it are for *nix-based machines only :-(


I use the MinGW/MSYS build environment to build under Win XP. It generate
native Win32 libraries, DLL, and import libs for use with other compilers.

You can download and install MinGW and MSYS from You
will need to install the tcl/tk package as well to run the test suite.

My build process is almost exactly as described in the How To Compile wiki

I create the build directory beside the sqlite directory obtained from CVS.
CD into the build directory and run ../sqlite/configure to generate a
Makefile in the build directory. Then run the following make commands.

"make" to build libraries and sqlite.exe
"make test" to build and run the sqlite test suite
"make dll" to build windows DLL
"make implib" to build import libraries to allow the DLL to be used with
Borland and/or Microsoft compilers
"make install" to install sqlite.exe into the MSYS environment

It has worked flawlessly for me since about version 2.8.12 or so.

Good luck.

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