I didn't mention that I applied the diffs from SQLite-WinCE to version 3.0.5 with the same results.


Jakub Adamek wrote:


the version 3 is most probably broken. I traced down the crash problem in Windows CE, see

It happens in balance_nonroot but in the declare variable section! If I change the variables in balance_nonroot to "static", the test goes OK. But such an error must come from a wrong memory write before this function. I am not able to find this. I attach my test program, it only creates a table and starts inserting rows.

As the simiral problem appears on other OSes, see http://www.mail-archive.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg03112.html,
I wonder if some of the great developers could solve it?

Best regards

Darren Duncan wrote:

At 2:20 PM -0400 8/29/04, D. Richard Hipp wrote:

SQLite version 3.0.5 (beta) is now available on the website.

Richard, thank you very much for that release.

I have downloaded and compiled it under both Mac OS X 10.2.8 (GCC 3.1, 3.3), and Mac OS X 10.3.5 (GCC3.3), with each development environment having the default set of libraries and headers. It compiles without errors (but with warnings about long integer types) on all configurations, and ./sqlite3 starts up and quits normally.

Under both Mac OS X 10.2.8 configurations, 'make test' continues to fail due to my TCL library being out of date, as I had reported previously.

Under the Mac OS X 10.3.5 configurations, 'make test' succeeds, with a result of '0 errors out of 22364 tests'. 10.3.5 does have a new enough TCL bundled.

So at least with the newer setup, I can confirm that everything works.

Matt, I will eagerly test a newer DBD::SQLite as soon as you release it.

-- Darren Duncan


    if (! db.execute (
        "CREATE TABLE test ("
        "    i INTEGER NOT NULL,"
        "    v VARCHAR (50),"
        "    PRIMARY KEY (i));")) ERROR_RETURN_FALSE;

    vector<CVariantValue> values;
    values.push_back (12);
    values.push_back ("ahoj brouku");
    values.push_back (13);
    values.push_back ("nazdar brouku");

    if (! db.execute (
        "INSERT INTO test VALUES (12, 'ahoj brouku')")) ERROR_RETURN_FALSE;
    if (db.execute (
        "INSERT INTO test VALUES (12, 'nazdar brouku')")) ERROR_RETURN_FALSE;
    if (! db.execute (
        "INSERT INTO test VALUES (13, 'nazdar brouku')")) ERROR_RETURN_FALSE;

    if (db.isExecutePrecompiledSupported()) {
        vector<CVariantValue> params;
        params.push_back (14);
        params.push_back ("cau brundibare");
        if (! db.executePrecompiled (
            "INSERT INTO test VALUES (?, ?)", params)) ERROR_RETURN_FALSE;
        if (db.executePrecompiled (
            "INSERT INTO test VALUES (?, ?)", params)) ERROR_RETURN_FALSE;
        values.push_back (14);
        values.push_back ("cau brundibare");

    COneWayRecordset rs (db);
    if (! rs.openTable ("test")) ERROR_RETURN_FALSE;
    if (! rs.add()) ERROR_RETURN_FALSE;
    rs ["i"] = 15;
    rs ["v"] = "Hello world";
    if (! rs.update()) ERROR_RETURN_FALSE;
    values.push_back (15);
    values.push_back ("Hello world");

    if (! rs.open ("SELECT i, v FROM test")) ERROR_RETURN_FALSE;
    int irecord = 0;
    bool ok;
    while (rs.next()) {
        int i = rs ["i"].forceInt (&ok);
        string s = rs ["v"].asString();
        if (i != values [irecord*2].forceInt (&ok)) ERROR_RETURN_FALSE;
        if (s != values [irecord*2+1].asString()) ERROR_RETURN_FALSE;
        irecord ++;

// fill some rows with string and binary data
if (! db.begin()) ERROR_RETURN_FALSE;
if (! rs.openTable ("test")) ERROR_RETURN_FALSE;
vector<uint8_t> vec;
string s;
for (int row=1; row < 1000; row ++) {
vec.push_back ((uint8_t) (row & 0xFF));
s += long2string (row);
CVariantValueBinary binary (& *vec.begin(), vec.size());
if (! rs.add()) ERROR_RETURN_FALSE;
rs ["i"] = row * row;
rs ["v"] = s; if (! rs.update()) ERROR_RETURN_FALSE;
if (! rs.add()) ERROR_RETURN_FALSE;
rs ["i"] = row * row + 1;
rs ["v"] = binary; if (! rs.update()) ERROR_RETURN_FALSE;
if (! db.close()) ERROR_RETURN_FALSE;
return true;

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