On Sep 2, 2004, at 11:41 PM, Jakub Adamek wrote:
Nuno, I am much surprised that version 3.0.5 helped you. It didn't help me. Neither my nor your port. BUT your remark helped me! You are right that it is because of stack space, and the default setting in Windows CE projects is 0x10000, i.e. 65 kB. After changing to 0x100000, i.e. 1 MB my test program which first added 1000 rows of size 0..2000, than deleted all of them and created 1000 tables works fine. Did you perhaps also change this setting?

That is an interesting observation and CE is not the only platform to have a stacksize related issue with SQLite 3.

On Mac OS X, threads started via NSThread have a relatively limited stack size. While it didn't appear to fail with SQLite2, it is quite easy to cause SQLite3 to overflow an NSThread's stack.

The workaround is to create a pthread by hand, setting the stack size appropriately along the way.

The larger question is what changed in SQLite3 such that the stack size is significantly larger for common operations? I would imagine that this could be of concern for the embedded market.


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