On Thu, Oct 21, 2004 at 04:36:16PM +0200, Guillaume Fougnies wrote:
> Hi,
> This problem was evoked on the list.  sqlite3_exec do not catch
> SQLITE_BUSY on the sqlite3_step.

I'm not even using sqlite3_exec, I was writing my own my_sqlite3_exec,
because sqlite3_exec was not compatible with the SQLite 2.x one (it
did not return the column decltypes).

> If you want to continue to use the sqlite3_exec properly with busy
> handler, you can copy and modify the method stored in src/legacy.c.

This one works with internals of the sqlite data structure, so I can't
just use it in my application code. I was forced to write my own,
which only uses the high-level SQLite API functions.

> I can send you my modified version if you need. 

Thanks for the offer, but I won't need it. I only needed to know if it
was my own stupidity, or ...

> It seems, to me, the only conversion problem between v2 and v3.

... another conversion problem between v2 and v3 where v3 looks like
it has a compatible API, but doesn't.

-- Gerhard

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