>Subject: Re: [sqlite] Suppressing column (field) headers?
>   From: "Clay Dowling" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   Date: Sat, 20 Nov 2004 13:03:33 -0500 (EST)
>> 1. How can I get the dll to return JUST the desired data?
>>    When I send the following SQL, for example,
>You can get just the data that you want by using the prepared statements
>feature of the 3.0.x dll.  It sounds like you're using the table output
>method for getting your results.  This is fine, but it means that you need
>it ignore the first row of data, which in the table interface is the
>column labels.

I'm using the 2.8 dll. You seem to be suggesting that I have to 
move up to the 3.0 dll to get just the data without the headers. 

Will I still have to strip quotes off text, and an appended newline?

I'm not sure what "prepared statements" means. Googling the subject
gets me lots of 'xxSQLxxx will do prepared statements' but little
explanation of what that is. 

>Because sqlite is implemented as a C library, you can use it pretty much
>directly from Delphi in exactly the way you would use the C interface.  It
>might be worth your while to do that, since you'd have a lot more control
>over your interaction.

I'm not a C person, but though going through the C code has given me
some insight, especially the comments. I'm forced to rely on someone 
else's Delphi wrapper, not all of which I understand. 

Was this last comment your way of answering my "Can I drop in the 
3.0x dll and change the 'sqlite.dll' line to 'sqlite3.dll' and expect 
it to work the same?" question? 


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