Taj Morton wrote:
> "The database connection is closed"...means...? If I'm using the
> SQLite DLL, when is a connection closed? Is it started when I call
> Open, and closed when I call Close (that would mean that a connection
> only lasts for one query)... Can you please explain?


I'm not sure what wrapper you are using, but the sqlite.dll provided by
SQLite has two API functions that are used to open and close the database
connection. You use sqlite3_open() to open the connection, and
sqlite3_close() to close it. Between these two calls you can execute as many
queries as you want, either using sqlite3_exec() or the
sqlite3_prepare()/sqlite3_step()/sqlite3_finalize() APIs.

If you can provide more details about the wrapper you are using, I may be
able to confirm that the Open and Close functions you mention do map
directly to the native sqlite functions.

Dennis Cote

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