John Richard Moser wrote:

I thought sqlite databases weren't supposed to be opened with two sqlite processes at once. There are unimplemented locking commands due to this right?

Where did you hear that?

Locking works great (and always has) on both unix and windows.  If
you are running on something else, then you must be using somebody
else's port and I cannot speak for them.  But as long as you stick
with mainstream workstations you should have no problems.

If the database file sits on an NFS filesystem or a windows shared
filesystem, then you might have problems due to bugs in the locking
logic of both those platforms.  If you have a NFS that really works or
the very latest version of windows (which I've also heard really works)
then things should go ok.  If the filesystems locking primitives do
not work correctly, however, you might end up corrupting a database.
You're safest bet is to not use SQLite on a network filesystem.  If
you ignore this advice and use a network filesystem anyhow, you
might be disappointed with the performance due to high latency
that network filesystems introduce.  Database engines (not just SQLite
but *all* database engines) really want to talk to a local disk drive.

D. Richard Hipp -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- 704.948.4565

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