In my experience you have to create a custom control. If you are doing this under MFC, subclass listbox or grid. IIRC there might be a table class that is a good starter. I did something similar in a recent app (BackupBuddy 2) using wxWidgets. Another alternative we are looking at seriously is RealBasic since it is cross platform. There are lots of shareware utility classes depending on your environment -- CodeProject (.NET), Duff's Device, SourceForge or CodeGuru are all good places to find pre-fab utility code. CodeProject is in a tutorial format so it can be quite helpful.


At 08:34 AM 1/5/2005, aleks ponjavic wrote:
I am creating a program for basketball coaches.
I am having big problems choicing a suitable class for my database.
It should be one for players i.e
player shirt-nr age rating and so on in columns then beneath the user should be able to add in a row and by pressing the columns that columns get sorted and the rows are still connected to eachother.

I have tried out grid and listbox, listbox didn't have columns and I don't find grid as appropriate as I'd want it to be.
Any suggestions!?
I have looked a little at listctrl but it doesn't seem to be what I'm looking for...

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