William Trenker wrote:
I've got a linux 2.4.26 box here running a Knoppix 3.4 distro
installed on the hard drive.  I've downloaded
http://sqlite.org/sqlite3-3.1.2.bin.gz, gunzip'ed it, chmod'ed it to
755 and renamed the .bin to sqlite3.  When I run it it segfaults.

Since this is a static executable I'm wondering if there is a basic
system configuration dependency I'm not meeting.  In the strace log
below I notice that the segfault happens just after /etc/nsswitch.conf
has been read, if that's of any consequence.

I've seen the same thing many times, and it always goes away by rebuilding on the machine where you run.

The man page claims "With Solaris, it isn't possible to link programs using the NSS Service statically. With Linux, this is no problem." The last sentence should be considered highly suspect. The "no problem" claim does not appear to extend to running on any machine other than the build machine.

Ted Unangst             www.coverity.com             Coverity, Inc.

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