On Tue, 15 Feb 2005 17:23:06 -0800, Ted Unangst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> William Trenker wrote:
> > I've downloaded http://sqlite.org/sqlite3-3.1.2.bin.gz
> > When I run it it segfaults.
> I've seen the same thing many times, and it always goes away by
> rebuilding on the machine where you run.

You're right, sqlite3 built here runs fine.  My interest in the
pre-built binary was to try and convince my web hosting service to let
me run it on their system in conjunction with some of my cgi scripts. 
I thought that my hosting folks might be more at ease if the binary
came directly from the authoritative SQLite site than if I uploaded
something I built myself.

As a shot in the dark I renamed my /etc/nsswitch.conf file out of the
picture but the pre-built sqlite3 binary still seqfaults.

Thanks for the insight,

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