Luc Vandal said:

> I don't know if it's SQLite related, but some of our users are complaining
> that they can't write to the database. On our side everything is fine.
> That
> is the case with most users. But for some the SQLite db just seems to
> malfunction. Is there something (a dll, a windows settings, etc.) that
> could
> cause this?

File permissions issues could cause this.  This is particularly easy to
happen if the application was installed by a different user than the one
running it.  For instance on my Windows system at home, I always run under
my personal, non-administrative account.  I obviously install software as
an administrative account.  If the application database resides in a
folder that isn't owned by the calling user, or that the user doesn't have
write access to, you get an error when writing.  This could happen, for
instance, if you store your database under "c:\program files\yourapp"

This issue isn't specific to Windows; I get the same problem installingon
UNIX systems if I foul up the permissions.

If possible I strongly recommend storing the database in a user-specific
folder, such as Application Data under windows or your app's folder under
their home directory.  I spent a lot of time beating my head against the
wall over this same issue, so hopefully my pain will save you some.

Clay Dowling
Lazarus Notes from Lazarus Internet Development
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