
I'd highly recommend Python.  I've used Perl, PHP and Python.  Python is 
hands-down the winner.  After getting ahold of the elegance of Python, PHP 
feels like a hack job.  Perl is "executable line noise".  Python is very 
mature and very nice.  It has a far cleaner implementation of just about 
everything, especially OO than Perl and _way_ better than PHP. I would also 
avoid Microsoft specific technology like the plague.

APSW is not DBAPI compliant but it's close enough that migrating to a bigger 
database (PostgreSQL, _not_ MySQL!) would not be difficult at all.  APSW is 
very nice.  I've used it and PySQLite and I'd recommend APSW.  It's 

You should look at www.cherrypy.org for a nice little web server written in 
Python to get you going. It's really slick.  Check out Snakelets also 
(http://snakelets.sourceforge.net).  I prefer CherryPy because Snakelets has 
a templating language that is too-closely bound to the web server.  CherryPy 
2.0 (beta currently but works well) unbound the templating language for the 
2.0 release so you can use your own.  I built my own templating language 
because I couldn't find one that I like out there.  With Python you do have a 
LOT to choose from so it can be daunting.

If you have experience with PHP then you've learned how to embed source code 
in HTML.  This is not a very good idea.  Separation of the logic and the 
presentation make for a cleaner design in my opinion.  Some would debate this 
but it's Ok if they're wrong! :)

I'll be happy to chat with you.  You can find me on Jabber at 


On Monday 07 March 2005 01:22 pm, Eli Burke wrote:
> I've been working on a project using sqlite3 since last fall. At the time,
> I knew that it would need a web-based front-end eventually. I have a very
> small bit of experience with PHP, and I assumed that PHP would support
> sqlite3 sooner or later. Well, it's later, and as far as I know, PHP
> is still using the 2.x branch.
> So, I was wondering if any of the more opinionated among you would care
> to suggest an interface language. It'll be on a Linux box, presumably
> running apache although I'm open to alternatives. The app itself uses
> sqlite3 for scheduling jobs and storing job data, so the web interface
> only needs to be able to insert some data and do visualization
> (pretty standard stuff I think).
> Ease of learning is a plus as I need to get something basic up and
> running fairly fast. I've heard good things about Python in that respect.
> Does anyone have alternative suggestions, or if you agree that Python Is
> Good, would you suggest using APSW, pysqlite, or something else?
> Thanks,
> Eli

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