On Tue, 8 Mar 2005 09:17:40 -0500 (EST), Clay Dowling

> > So, I was wondering if any of the more opinionated among you would care
> > to suggest an interface language. It'll be on a Linux box, presumably
> > running apache although I'm open to alternatives. The app itself uses
> > sqlite3 for scheduling jobs and storing job data, so the web interface
> > only needs to be able to insert some data and do visualization
> > (pretty standard stuff I think).
> See this month's Linux journal for my opinions on the matter of interface
> languages.  SQLite3 is a dream to work with in a C++ CGI program,
> especially true if you make use of my web template library
> (http://www.lazarusid.com/libtemplate.shtml).
> Python is probably fine as well, as long as you aren't concerned about
> performance.

Bah, this is a red herring.  I've built Python sites that handle
millions of hits a day on top of Zope, and Zope isn't that efficient. 
There's sites running SkunkWeb that handle tons of load, and we're not
talking about anything close to that here.

Algorithms are 99% of the problem, language performance is 1%.  People
often blame the language (Python, Perl, Tcl, etc) for their own
inability to understand algorithm behavior.  O(N^2) is gonna suck on
every platform, even if written in assembly when N becomes some
reasonable number.

Use what you're comfortable writing in, because that's what you'll be
productive in. If that's C++ great, but don't not use a language
because of performance concerns unless you truly have a C10K problem.

| Christopher Petrilli

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