> Ease of learning is a plus as I need to get
> something basic up and 
> running fairly fast. I've heard good things about
> Python in that respect.
> Does anyone have alternative suggestions, or if you
> agree that Python Is 
> Good, would you suggest using APSW, pysqlite, or
> something else?

Do not underestimate the power of the SQLite console
(aka the sqlite3 binary).

I've been using php with sqlite module compiled in and
perl with DBD::SQLite for long time. but after I wrote
a simple 55lines SQL_direct parser for the console, I
prefer using it. it gives me full access to all the
.commands and input/output blobs via tempfiles. I just
build up a file of SQLite commands and SQL queries to
be executed and just parse it through like in:
$textoutput= `$sqlite $database < $sqlcommandfile`;
Blobs are handled via files.


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