-----Original Message-----
From: Jay [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 17, 2005 10:32 AM
To: sqlite-users@sqlite.org
Subject: Re: [sqlite] Proposal: limit the number of columns in a table
to 2000.

> > A stupid question:
> >
> > Why introduce more code, one more thing to test,
> > and possibly bugs? Is there a problem that needs fixing?
> >
> There is code in SQLite that has to deal with the general
> case of tables with millions or billions of columns.  That
> code can be simplified (and made faster) if we know that
> the maximum number of columns is some reasonable limit,
> such as 2000.

Oh. Go for it! The concensus seems to be 1820 is more than
enough. If anyone uses even a significant fraction of that we have
list members who will assault them with book bludgeons!

Might I suggest "Databases For Dummies."  Much more relevant and
significantly heavier.


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