Lothar Märkle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>> Assuming you have a cgi-like application with many processes 
>>> that just looks up a row, displays and then exits. You can 
>>> simple use the rename call to atomically replace the db file
>>> (see man 2 rename for bordercases) with another and without 
>>> locking.
>>> lothar
>> but this will lose any update currently begin written by any 
>> of the active cgi processes  - even if they are in the middle 
>> of a transaction?
> yes, this will only work with a read-only db, e.g. all your data 
> is pre-calculated once a day to a second db file, and then replace 
> the primary read-only db with it.
> But with read-only, one should avoid transactions at all. There 
> will be the risk of a -journal that doesn't correspond to the 
> db-file. I think this will break if rolled back?
> lothar

I need to copy a 'live' master database file and overwrite a read 
only file for pseudo replication.

How do I ensure the database is flushed and acquire an exclusive 
lock on the master database?

Will something like the code below do it?

sqlite3_exec(db, "BEGIN EXCLUSIVE TRANSACTION", NULL, NULL, error);
sqlite3_exec(db, "COMMIT", NULL, NULL, error);

Also are you sure it is completely safe to replace a read only 
database while reads are currently being done?
Any help much appreciated.


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