Bill Henderson said:
> I have the Dev-Cpp IDE installed and have successfully  compiled and
> linked
> several test programmes and am satisfied that dev-cpp is functioning
> correctly.


You need to generate the libsqlite3.a library, which you can do with
dlltool.  I don't remember the syntax off the top of my head, but it's
fairly simple.  It will use the .def file to associate the exported
functions in the DLL with a handle in the .a file.  Once you link to the
.a file your binary will automagically load the DLL file when it runs.

If your distribution doesn't include a DLL you can generate a static
libsqlite3.a library by compiling everything into a static library except
the tcl bindings and the command line client file (don't remember the name
for this, something like client.c).  Static binaries definitely make for
easier distribution.


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