Thank you for spelling out that only one index can be
used per query - probably a basic principle for sqlite
experts, but one that had passed me by!

The following tuning guide mentions that "if there is
a choice of indexes, the query optimizer may make a
bad choice":

Perhaps my original query hung until the Season index
was removed, because it was masking a more useful one?

Thanks again for your invaluable help.

> That's a true statement in general - having indexes
on columns that
> frequently appear in your WHERE clauses will make
the queries
> referencing those columns faster.  (That's what an
index does, right?)
> But once again, the catch is that only a single
index can be used by a
> given query, so if you want to reference more than
one column in your
> WHERE clause, and you want that query to be
satisfied using an index,
> you have to have an index that covers all the
referenced columns in a
> single index.

>   I think the common misconception is that indexes
on multiple
> individual columns can be used in conjunction with
one another, which
> isn't the case (unless you're talking about bitmap
indexes, but since
> SQLite doesn't have those, we clearly aren't :P). 
Once you get
> comfortable with the fact that only a single index
can be used
> everything makes sense.

>   -Tom

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