Hello Dr. Hipp,
Hello dear sqlite users,
following my post regarding how sqlite treats column names and the reply from Dr. Hipp, I've studied the way various RDBMS treat column names. The document containing the results obtained is attached to this message.
The conclusions I can draw from these investigations is this: although not all queries tested work on all tested database engines, the ones that do work provide consistent results (e.g. SQL Server and MySQL yield the same results).
Although things could further change in order to provide a uniform handling with column names, I only insist on one thing: if I ask for column Field1 and that column exists in the table as FIELD1, sqlite should return it as I ask, e.g. Field1 (instead of the way it does now, FIELD1).
I cannot understand why this behavior has changed (it did not happen with 3.0.8). If this is not a bug, I guess it's a feature. If it's a feature, what advantages do I have if the database engine doesn't give me what I ask for? Please understand that I'm not trying to criticise anything or anyone: I'm just trying to understand why this has happened and why people do not complain about it.

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