I can insert all rows of existing table into new table having same columns
using query :

Insert into NEWTABLE select * from OLDTABLE

But I want all rows of NEWTABLE sorted by field No,

So I used query

Insert into NEWTABLE select * from OLDTABLE order by no desc

But it is not giving me sorted output as new table?

Can you tell me where I am wrong ???

You can't do that.

The 'Insert' may (I'm not sure..) insert the data into 'NEWTABLE' in the "right order" , but then, when you do an unordered query on 'NEWTABLE', the results are returned in an undefined order - not necessarily in the order they were inserted into the table

You should do the sorting when you read 'NEWTABLE'

So, instead of

Insert into NEWTABLE select * from OLDTABLE order by no desc
select * from NEWTABLE


Insert into NEWTABLE select * from OLDTABLE
select * from NEWTABLE order by no desc

Paul                            VPOP3 - Internet Email Server/Gateway
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