I tried to do the quick-start example and I could not get it to work. It is not 
explicit enough for some like me. First off, the quickstart doesn't specify 
that you need to include the source (just the external interface header). But 
since it does not come with a *.lib I tried to include the source files and I 
get a bunch of unresolved external dependencies (can't find some function 
definitions). I even removed the tcl*.c files and still got the errors. I'm 
compiling in Visual C++ 7.1.
Also, I tried to build with the *.dll but the *.dll file doesn't come with a 
header for it or static *.lib to link against. If I use the *.dll do I have to 
fn* every function I wish to use?
Sorry for the newb questions.
Thank you for the help,

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