On Mon, 1 Aug 2005, scunacc wrote:

>Dear Jay,
>> Are you running out of memory?
>The machine has 6GB...
>I don't think so. It's possible.
>Actually, since the query will run with the 64-bit command line version
>I don't *think* so.
>Thanks for the thought though.

Doesn't matter how much memory you have. If ulimits restrict how much
memory a process can have, something has to give. Try:
$ ulimit -a

On an AIX 4.3 machine here, this defaults to:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] csmith]$ ulimit -a
core file size (blocks)     1048575
data seg size (kbytes)      131072
file size (blocks)          1048575
max memory size (kbytes)    32768
open files                  2000
pipe size (512 bytes)       64
stack size (kbytes)         32768
cpu time (seconds)          unlimited
max user processes          128
virtual memory (kbytes)     163840

So, this gives me a maximum data segment of ~128MB. With a row size of >
100 bytes, 1M rows will quite easily exhaust this.

>Kind regards
>Derek Jones.


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