Dear Will,

> It might be nice if there were a sqlite3_check_syntax function in the 
> API. Another possibility that uses a function in the public API is to 
> call sqlite3_prepare on the statement(s).

Perhaps, but as I was working up to this - dry-running and dbx/gdb'ing
the code I wanted to avoid actually verifying the SQL against extant
database tables (and running any kind of caching "preparation"), so I
was approaching it from a "ground up" perspective - not wanting to
actually do an sqlite3_prepare.

As it happened, my solution doesn't avoid the validation phase anyway,
and using the public API might be just as simple in the end, but, again,
as it turns out, I don't really care that it fails against an extant
database (though in other circumstances one might of course - wrong
number of columns, etc.).

In this case all I care about is that the SQL is correct SQL for SQLite.

Thanks for the input. Always welcome.

Kind regards

Derek Jones.

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