On 8/24/05, Kiel Wadner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This is almost a general programming question, but any help would be
> appreciated.
> Root Problem:
> /home/kiel/development/omms/output/libdbWrapper.a(dbwrapper.o): In
> function `_ZN3srs9DbWrapper4openERKSs':
> /home/kiel/development/omms/src/dbwrapper/dbwrapper.cpp:49: undefined
> reference to `_sqlite3_open'

undefined reference at link time is usually a missing library. I think
you're using
linux? It's probably the linker doesn't know which directory to look
for the library.
Try reading the output from 'man ldconfig' or check the 'see also' section of
'man ld' to find out what your particular system uses to manage where it finds

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