This question may be off-topic for this list, since it deals with using SQLite 
in a specific setting rather than SQLite itself.  Apologies if so.  Thanks very 
much if anyone can provide any insight.

I am one of the hapless souls who need access to SQLite's CTE capabilities 
(introduced in v3.8.3) while using Ubuntu 14.04 (which includes SQLite 3.8.2 by 
default).  Our IT people are not thrilled about the idea of upgrading the core 
libraries for fear of messing something else up in Linux-land.

I'm wondering if it's possible to build and use a "private" SQLite library 
based on some other version, and limit its use to a specific application.  My 
particular situation is python scripts -> sqlite3 adaptor -> underlying SQLite 
lib.  So I guess I'm asking if it's possible to bind a particular Python 
interpreter and the libraries it uses to a particular SQLite lib that is not 
used by the rest of the system.

I realize this is a bit vague; I would greatly appreciate any pointers, ideas, 
or food for thought.


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