> On Nov 16, 2016, at 5:59 AM, Keith Medcalf <kmedc...@dessus.com> wrote:
> What I do not understand is why one would use a UUID (randomly generated 
> bunch of bytes) as a key in a database.  It is long, every use must be 
> checked for collisions, and inherently far less efficient than the simple 
> integer sequence it is replacing.

Distributed databases such as CouchDB and Couchbase do this. (I work on 
Couchbase Mobile.) When a database record is to be replicated between any 
number of peer databases, it obviously becomes infeasible to assign it a simple 
auto-incremented integer. (You’d have to assign a central ‘count server’ to 
hand out consecutive numbers, and then your system becomes bottlenecked on that 
server; it limits the rate at which the entire system can create records, and 
becomes a single point of failure.)

You can assign ‘peer IDs’, but then you need a sure-fire-unique way to assign 
them (using the MAC address is not sure-fire-unique) and the system has to keep 
a persistent counter that can’t ever be rolled back, even in the case of 
something like restoring an OS backup. You can use a timestamp to try to avoid 
rollback problems, but now you’ve added the well-known problems of using clocks 
in a distributed system. Worse, you’ve started leaking a significant amount of 
interesting information about your computer, which in some cases can be a 
privacy problem.

In the face of all that, simply generating a sufficiently long 
cryptographically-random number is very attractive.

> THe problem is an inability to properly determine and assess risk.  When 
> using a sequence the probability of a collision is 0.  When using a random 
> generated number (passing a bunch of random data through a digest function) 
> has a probability of collision of 100%. 

Um. Either you’re trolling me, or you don’t have a good understanding of 

In any case, this thread is pretty far off-topic and we should stop arguing 
this. I will not respond to any further posts.

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