my table is


When a new record is created, it gets a value in the created_on col, which is then not changed subsequently, but the modified_on col is empty. Whenever the record is updated, the modified_on col is changed.

--I want the last 10 records
        SELECT name, created_on, modified_on FROM (

SELECT name, created_on, modified_on FROM table ORDER BY created_on DESC LIMIT 0, 10

--but, also include

--records in the table modified later than any of the records found in subquery1
SELECT name, created_on, modified_on FROM table ORDER BY modified_on DESC LIMIT 0, 10
        ORDER BY modified_on DESC
        LIMIT 0, 10

Well, besides the fact that the above attempt is clumsy, it doesn't work... SQLite scolds me that "ORDER BY should come after UNION" except if I do that I won't get the last 10 records in each sub-query.

There must be a better way to query, or perhaps, even modding my table structure to better accomplish such a query. Any suggestions?

Puneet Kishor

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