I'm still concerned about the warnings on the web page about some
networked file systems not supporting locking. There will be multiple
DB connections from the same process. They might even be
multithreaded. Might we have a problem in this case?


On 9/13/05, Roger Binns <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > One possibility is if we think we'll be doing a lot of UI,
> > to make an in-memory "read-only" copy of everything we will
> > need.
> Alternatively you can implement your own "platform" backend
> just as there are for Windows, Linux, Mac etc.  It isn't very
> many functions to implement.
> Since you are doing your own locking, you can turn most of the
> locking calls into no-ops.  You could even track when you do
> writes and let locking go through then.
> Roger

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