On Sun, 5 Mar 2017 08:28:44 -0800
Yuri <y...@rawbw.com> wrote:

> > I think you?re better off reading the existing BLOB value into
> > memory using SELECT, editing it using standard memory-manipulation
> > routines, then writing it back with an UPDATE when you?re ready.
> This is very slow.

Can you quantify that?  How big is the blob? How big is the edit?  How
many edits?  How fast are N edits to the blob?  How fast to read &
write the whole blob?  How much RAM available to the process?  

My design question is, why a blob in the first place?  If you are
making frequent incremental changes to a blob, that suggests the blob
has some structure.  If you decomposed the blob into rows, perhaps the
edit-the-blob problem would go away, and speed/complexity issues with

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