On Sep 14, 2005, at 12:56 AM, Richard Nagle wrote:

Well, now I ready for the next step,
looking for a intro into SQL...

probably the most fun one out there is http://www.sqlzoo.net/

plus, it lets you practice against real instances of different rdbs.

been searching google all night, found hundreds of sites,
that start off with a table, but nothing showing, how to create
a database, and place it in a directory, or in the same folder,
with the sql application.

the concept of "placing a db in a directory" is applicable only to file-based databases such as SQLite, Filemaker, or MS-Access. In most db, you have little choice of where the stuff goes.

Since you are here on a SQLite list, and experimenting with SQLite, the following should suffice

[G4:~] you% /usr/local/bin/sqlite3 yourdb.db

that will create a db called yourdb.db under your home directory. After that, consult the basic SQLite documentation... look at the help files, and the wiki.

Looking for a intro, that would show commands, to list
databases & tables that you just created... or allow you to see,
into other folders.

Puneet Kishor

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