> Now I'm a little bit confused. You asked for an SEE enabled SQLite Java
> binding. This requires you to 1. obtain your SEE license from DRH's company
> and 2. to use the SEE sources and compile/link them to
> {lib,}sqlite_jni.{dll,so}
> for your target platform.

Don't be confused, I know all that, but before to buy the SSE (it is
2'000), I need:
1- to choose a sqlite jdbc driver allowing SSE (done)
2- to test the java driver to see if I can migrate successfully from H2 to
sqlite (I will do that in the next coming week(s))
3- to really assess if I need still need encryption in my project (after
some recent changes)

For now I tested your driver (quicky) and it seems I can use it, so 1 is
done, I need to do 2.

> So in any case involving SEE you have to rebuild things from source code
> and deal with deployment on the target environment.
Yes and I have a compiler on another machine, but for a matter of testing
quickly, I would not like go through the compile cycle.
Anyway, for now I tested with the outdated version (

Why don't you provide an up-to-date version? this lib seems dead when we
look at the website, also why don't you put the sources on git it would be
easier to contribute or raise a bug if any...
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