On 24 Apr 2017, at 2:33am, Keith Medcalf <kmedc...@dessus.com> wrote:

> [history]

That’s very interesting.  I’m remembering the first DBMS language I used on 
desktop computers rather than mainframes or minis.  It was something called 
"Q-Pro 4" and included both database commands and user interface commands.  
Just as you describe Sybase, there was no opportunity for injection because 
there was no way to construct a database command from a string.  Variables 
could lead only to values for storage and searching, not to entire commands.

The company used Q-Pro 4 for financial programs for years without problems.  We 
had only one hacking attempt by an employee of one of our customers.  It was 
initially successful because the database files stored data in a very simple 
all-text structure.  It was found out because the hacker didn’t update the 
accompanying index files and a few days after the hack the program complained 
about a corrupt index.  Had the hacker known, he could have had the software 
update each index file with one simple command for each one, but he didn’t have 
the language documentation or take the time to explore how it worked.  
Alternatively he could have written a little Q-Pro program to do the updating 
instead of (we guessed) using a text editor.

And that, folks, was the beginning of my interest in computer security.

Injection vulnerabilities had to wait for free form English-like database 
commands.  Not certain when that was.  I’m betting that SQL wasn’t the first 
language described that way, but I don’t remember what was.  Certainly, 
problems like

execute ("UPDATE accounts SET phone = '$p'")

$p <-- "5551234"
—> UPDATE accounts SET phone = '5551234'

$p <-- "5551234', balance = '999999.99"
—> UPDATE accounts SET phone = '5551234', balance = '999999.99'

didn’t trouble me until SQL appeared.

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