On 19 Jun 2017, at 17:09, Simon Slavin wrote:

>> CREATE VIEW json AS SELECT rec_id, json_extract(json_value,'$.col-1') as 
>> col1, json_extract(json_value,'$.col-2') as col2, ... , 
>> json_extract(json_value,'$.col-50') as col50 FROM a

> Please supply a same SELECT command that you would use this VIEW for. I’m 
> especially interested in clauses such as GROUP BY, ORDER BY and WHERE.

The SELECTs we use don't have a GROUP BY, the ORDER BY will only be on one 
column and we mostly return all columns, sometimes a subset.

The WHERE parts look like this:

... WHERE col-1 <> NULL AND col-2 <> NULL ... AND col-x <> NULL

... WHERE col-x LIKE ...

and so on. So mostly pretty simple queries. No JOINS etc. We have about 50.000 
records and maybe at max 50 columns.


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