On 6/26/17, 9:00 AM, "sqlite-users on behalf of Richard Hipp" 
<sqlite-users-boun...@mailinglists.sqlite.org on behalf of d...@sqlite.org> 
> The "db nullvalue STRING" command lets you translate NULL values into the 
> string value of your choice.  But there is not (currently) a way to cause 
> NULL values to unset the corresponding member of the array.

That’s what I’d call an “in-band” solution. It’s got problems when writing code 
that needs to generalize to unknown datasets...

Also, does `db nullvalue` return the current null value, or would you need to 
track that externally? The documentation doesn’t say, but let’s see...

% test nullvalue {\N}
% test nullvalue

So that’s workable if you know you have a guaranteed unique token-string you 
can use. Also, may want to update https://sqlite.org/tclsqlite.html to note 

Anyway, I ran into this testing my sqlite3 bridge for Pgtcl. It doesn’t seem 
like it would be hard to implement a clone of `$db select` that will do what I 
want, but it would be nice to have a standard binding.

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