This test case is peformed using two bash terminal sessions.

(1) At the first terminal:

$ #Interactively run sqlite3 from named pipe.
$ mkfifo /tmp/slsh_in
$ ./sqlite3 -interactive </tmp/slsh_in

(2) At the second terminal:

$ echo "SELECT ('Shouldn''t SQLite shell continue interactively after
processing this statement?')msg;" >/tmp/slsh_in

Results at first terminal after echo line is sent from second terminal:

$ #Interactively run sqlite3 from named pipe.
$ mkfifo /tmp/slsh_in
$ ./sqlite3 -interactive </tmp/slsh_in
SQLite version 3.19.3 2017-06-08 14:26:16
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
sqlite> SELECT ('Shouldn''t SQLite shell continue interactively after
processing this statement?')msg;
Shouldn't SQLite shell continue interactively after processing this

Apparently, from piped input with -interactive option, SQLite shell is
batch processing.
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