
> But... why don't you simply ask your users for a static string as well???
> C++ makes it trivial to support this requirement of the C API.

I could do that, of course. But it wouldn't solve the issue. It would push the 
problem just one level up.

> // pointerType should be a static string
> void wxSQLite3Statement::Bind(int paramIndex, void* pointer, char 
> *pointerType, void(*DeletePointer)(void*))

That doesn't enforce a static string. The signature would have to be at least:

void wxSQLite3Statement::Bind(int paramIndex, void* pointer, const char* 
pointerType, void(*DeletePointer)(void*))

However, if not called with a string literal, it would still easily fail to 
work. Simplified example:

void* ptr = ...;
char* pType = malloc(10);
strcpy(pType, "carray");
// ...
stmt.Bind(1, ptr, pType, NULL);
// ...

Yes, I know, this is an artificial example. No one would implement it this way 
in practice. It just demonstrates that even with a method signature asking for 
a const char* it is not guaranteed to work. It would most probably fail at 

Additionally, wxWidgets supports various implicit string conversions. So - just 
as SQLite itself - my wrapper methods can't detect whether a static string or 
string literal was passed or whether the compiler constructed a temporary 
string object. And the compiler will not issue error messages, often not even 

As mentioned in an earlier post, for my wrapper classes I decided to implement 
the necessary housekeeping. Regarding the use of SQLite and my wrapper classes 
I just quote a sentence which can be found in all SQLite sources:

"May you do good and not evil."


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