On Sep 14, 2017, at 8:49 AM, Dominique Devienne <ddevie...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 14, 2017 at 4:13 PM, Richard Hipp <d...@sqlite.org> wrote:
>> the amount of extra time spent inside of sqlite3_prepare() in order to
>> deal with them is not worth the effort.
> But why not let the client code decide though? And have it off by default
> as now?

Opportunity costs.  Time spent writing, testing, maintaining, and documenting 
this feature is time *not* spent on features that will either make HWACI’s 
clients happy or expand that set of clients.

If you take money out of it, it’s still time *not* spent writing code that 
makes drh and his collaborators happy.

> but basing the decision to completely eschew this optimisation on the basis
> that a
> non-exhaustive sampling of SQL statements shows it's rarely needed seems a
> bit
> "weird" for lack of a better term on my part.

Are you seriously saying that drh cannot possibly make this decision, lacking 
sufficient information?

Obviously he doesn’t see 100% of queries made through SQLite, but he probably 
sees more of them than any other person on the planet.  No person is in a 
better position to make a decision like this.

But hey, if you feel you have a better feel for the truth of the matter, 
working code persuades best.

> Also, when you write that the query time gains are often offset by
> additional prepare time
> overhead (and memory as well, as you mentioned) kinda assumes a bad
> practice of
> not using (and caching) prepared statements, i.e. the prepare time overhead
> (1x) could
> well be worth it for an often-used (prepared/cached) query (Nx, with N
> large).

Up-thread, drh suggested that in the vast majority of cases he’s examined, each 
prepared statement is used once, then thrown away.  I don’t doubt that he’s 
seen a representative sample of the way applications are commonly written.

Doubtless some of those prepared statements could be cached longer, but that 
misses the point: those applications will not benefit from this optimization 
unless their SQLite driver code is rewritten.  

Isn’t the whole point of this argument to get more speed for free, without 
rewriting our applications?

This implicit analogy with CSE optimizations in statically-compiled programming 
languages is inapt for that very reason: highly-optimizing compilers go to an 
awful lot of effort to ensure that you don’t have to write your code in the 
most optimal fashion to get the benefit of its optimizations.  If you make 
SQLite’s query parser equivalently smart, you may well eat up all the savings 
in the optimizer.

All the examples I’ve seen attempting to support the value of this feature are 
simple enough that even a naive text compression algorithm could find the 
similarities and “hoist” the copies so the value is computed only once.  That 
means the *human* can also see the CSE and hoist it manually.  

The real trick SQLite would need to pull off to make this valuable is where 
mathematical analysis is required to recognize common subexpressions.  That’s 
where your favorite statically-compiled programming language gets most of its 
power, not in handling the trivial cases the human sees at first glance.  And 
that’s why your compiler takes so long to run even on a multigigahertz 
multicore box.

How many milliseconds do the bulk of your SQLite statements run in?  Not the 
really heavy ones, I mean the 2-3 sigma span surrounding the mean.  Let’s say 
it’s 1-10 ms.  Let’s also say we can only afford 1% overhead before the extra 
optimizer time spent on fast queries overwhelms the time saved on the heavy 
queries.  That means you’ve only got a few microseconds to do all this 
optimization, else you’ll blow the savings running the optimizer.

I’d guess my C++ compiler on -O3 takes something like 100x as long to process 
the same number of bytes of input text as SQLite.  It doesn’t help to make 
SQLite queries prepare() 100x slower on the off chance that it can cut the 
execution time of a few particularly heavy queries in half.
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