> On Sep 14, 2017, at 10:31 AM, R Smith <rsm...@rsweb.co.za> wrote:
> I think that's actually one of the things one of the posters tried and found 
> not to work. The problem is the WITH syntax in theory is just-like 
> constructing a temporary table and using the values from there, but in 
> reality (AFAIK) it's just a mathematical construct that re-routes the query, 
> so anything that is a parameter to a function (or a function itself) in the 
> WITH clause gets re-evaluated every time the main query refers to the WITH 
> table.

Yes, I tried using WITH and it behaves as you describe — like a type of 
high-level macro that gets expanded every place it's used. So it's useless for 

> Perhaps if you can force the WITH into building an in-memory table with the 
> results from, say a recursive function, it would indeed be a possibility

That would almost certainly have more overhead (in my case) than the redundant 
function calls. 

What I'd like would be something like a "let" statement in a functional 
language, which would bind a name to a value that's computed once no matter how 
many times it's referenced in the SELECT. For example:
        LET foo = computeFoo(table.col) IN
        SELECT derivedvalue(foo)
        FROM table WHERE sometest(foo) AND anothertest(foo)

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