Hugh Gibson wrote:
>> I'm intrigued. How do you get SQLite to use a multi-column index as it's
>> primary key (i.e. B-tree hash)? Please elaborate.
> Simply 
> CREATE TABLE TransactionList (sTransactionID Text(13) DEFAULT 
> '',sCommunityID Text(13) DEFAULT '',sObject Text(13) , PRIMARY KEY 
> (sCommunityID, sTransactionID))

Ah, but it's not used for the B-tree hash (at least not according to the

>> Have you investigated the following to see how the optimizer deals with 
>> it?
> ...snip...
> I'm not fluent in the VDBE code, but ISTM (and execution time confirms) 
> that it's doing a table scan first to do the GROUP BY. Then it 
> creates a temp table with the values from the list, and does a join (I 
> suppose).

I thought it probably would, but worth trying :)

>> I think I'd normally err on keeping a filter table handy (temporary if
>> you wish):
>> -- Initialise filter:
>> CREATE TABLE filter (sCommunityID TEXT);
>> CREATE INDEX filter_idx ON filter(sCommunityID);
>> -- Configure filter:
>> INSERT INTO filter VALUES ('a030600001bFi');
>> INSERT INTO filter VALUES ('a030600004KDy');
>> INSERT INTO filter VALUES ('a030600008QhK');
>> -- Get your results:
>> SELECT sCommunityID, max(sTransactionID)
>>   FROM filter NATURAL INNER JOIN TransactionList
>>  GROUP BY sCommunityID;
>> -- Clear filter ready for next time:
>> DELETE FROM filter;
> Thread safety is an issue here. Multiple threads may be doing this action. 
> Also, by the (admittedly contorted) query I am using I can get the VDBE to 
> create a temporary table for me and insert the data, taking a lot less 
> time to do it than it would take to run all those queries.

You didn't mention threads :)

Robin Breathe, Computer Services, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, UK
[EMAIL PROTECTED]       Tel: +44 1865 483685  Fax: +44 1865 483073

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