Hello Jay Sprenkle,

>I guess if you're going to use sqlite you're going to have to
>force typing explicitly if you're doing math with the sql engine. 

Quite right, but even with explicit typing there are cases where SQLite3 can 
not be instructed to store REAL numbers as REALs:

  C:\>sqlite3 num.db3
  SQLite version 3.2.1
  Enter ".help" for instructions
  sqlite> INSERT INTO i VALUES (5, 2);
  sqlite> SELECT a / b FROM i;
  sqlite> INSERT INTO i VALUES (5.0, 2.0);
  sqlite> SELECT a / b FROM i;

Even though the 2nd insert explicitly types 5.0 and 2.0 as REALs, they are 
stored as INTEGERs internally and resuls in incorrect calculations (the very 
last number should be 2.5 and not 2).

Summming up: Observations show that SQLite3 behaves inconsistent when storing 
and/or calculating numbers as INTEGERs or REALs. The point I am personally 
worried about is not so much the storage side of things but the calculation 
errors resulting from it.

I would like to propose the resolve this inconsistency as follows:

1. If two REALs are divided, the result should be a REAL. This is the current 
behaviour of SQLite3.

2. If two INTEGERs are divided, the result should be INTEGER only if it can be 
represented as an INTEGER (i.e. if a % b = 0).

3. If the division of INTEGERs can not be stored as an INTEGER (i.e. if a % b 
!= 0), the result should be returned as a REAL.

I do understand that 3. implies a change in numeric type, but in oder to 
perform calculations with SQL the type change seems unavoidable, at least as 
long as SQLite3 implements only 2 of the 3 numeric types suggested in this 



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