On Sep 26, 2017, at 2:08 PM, Scott Robison <sc...@casaderobison.com> wrote:

> There are physical errors and there are logical errors. If an error is
> generated from write, it's not unreasonable to classify it as an
> "output error". From read as an "input error".

"Output error", yes, although it'd be useful to provide more information.

"Disk I/O error", no; it'd be unreasonable to classify "out of file system free 
space", "over quota", "permission error", "file bigger than 2GB-1 bytes", etc. 
as "disk I/O errors".

> There is a lot of sqlite source code that already exists and has been
> written to work with the current interface. That's probably one of the
> reasons why extended errors were created, to provide finer
> granularity. Regardless of whether it is ideal or not, changing sqlite
> in a way that would break existing code is unlikely to happen.

I was not suggesting that.  I didn't suggest adding SQLITE_OVERQUOTA or 

> Ultimately it doesn't matter when error codes were added to a given
> operating system or which predates what. A decision was made in the
> past. The options are to live with decisions that were made in the
> past (one I've seen espoused multiple times in this mailing list),
> come up with an approach that allows old code to work but exposes new
> information (probably the genesis of extended error codes), or break
> older code (which I've not seen done deliberately).

I'm advocating a better version of the second of those choices than the current 
"here's the raw operating system error code" version that's currently provided. 
 (sqlite3_system_errno() also has the problem that if SQLITE_IOERR is provided 
for something *other* than a failure that provides a system errno value, it 
doesn't do the job.)

> That being said, I don't know any non-technical users who are going to
> panic that IOERR means their hard drive is dying specifically because
> of that text being displayed. Panic perhaps, but not that a hard drive
> is about to die. Most people I know don't have that level of
> understanding to correlate IO / ERR / hard drive failure rates.

They don't treat "disk I/O error" as an indication that their disk is having a 
problem?  That doesn't need an understanding of hard drive failure rates.

I have no reason to dismiss the original writer's notion that "disk I/O error" 
might "[scare] the hell out of the poor sysadmin who suspects a filesystem 
corruption might be going on".

> They
> just think the stupid program is broken and not letting them get their
> work done. As for the experienced technical people I know (or at least
> me), their first thought would be to investigate the problem, not to
> assume their hard drive is failing.

Less investigative work is needed if the software gives a more detailed error 
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