Ryan writes:

| just to be clear: It's not that SQLite commits after every
| statement - In SQLite, unless you have explicitly opened a
| transaction (using BEGIN), every statement is (and must be)
| in and of itself a transaction.

Right, I didn't say it committed after every statement, just
after every statement outside of a transaction (by which I 
meant an explicit transaction -- perhaps that was not clear
enough).   So as I understand it the net effect is, when 
outside a(n explicit)  transaction, a  commit is  done after each 

Simon writes:

| Were you checking the result codes returned for each sqlite_ function call

Alas, as I sheepishly admitted earlier, no.   I am not sure one can get
all of the explicit result codes using the python module, but one can at
get a more generic exception, and I will add that because it should have
been there all along (lame excuse: quickly done program primarily for
personal use at current).

Keith Medcalf writes:

| Yeah, the default sqlite3 interface (pysqlite2) in python is
| weird.  I switched to APSW a long time ago as it is less
| magical and better designed

Thanks, I had not noticed this other possibility.   I think I 
will stick with sqlite3 module (as it is now called) for now
since it does everything I need, but may switch later once
I start making my program do more and determine
that APSW has net better functionality for that.

| The best way to deal with transactions in the pysqlite2 wrapper is to 
| set isolation=None on the open. 

Right, this is the mode that I mentioned preferring once
I saw what the default mode was, and probably will alter 
my code to employ.  Glad to see others think the default
mode is a little "weird".

Sorry if there are some formatting anomalies here:  I
am posting by the web access at nabble.  I thought
I joined the mailing list itself but apparently it keeps insisting 
I have not. 

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